LiS Captain Spirit

Well done won me over with .. emotional, fun little game that looks gorgeous.. cant wait for .
Strongly urge anyone to play this and best of all its free! 

On a technical note : The models used in Captain Spirit are far more mesh dense then the past games (LiS, BtS) and have a lot more armature points not just for the body but clothes as well.

The face armatures especially allow you to control a lot more of the facial features.

On the face it seems they are using some add-on for the eyes like they did in BtS. This allows them to control eye type, iris size etc. But there is no texture for the eyes that i can find.

The textures follow a metelness flow and are easy to hook up to Blenders principal shader or any PBR shader. There is also texture masks for Subsurface scattering.


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