Life is Strange - Arcadia Bay menu backround 2004p No Title

Looks great as a changing windows background.
Size 4680 x 2004p - 21:9 with adjusted FOV
Full size pics here


Anonymous said…
Hello, how you took these excellent photos, screen captures?. Are you using some special programme?. It is about how you managed to turn inscriptions off in main menu of the game.
Mike said…
Hey sorry missed your comment :(
Yeh there is some changes to the ini file you can do.
One is remove User Interface menu elements i recall.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for your answer. I'm not very good at modifying game documents, but I will try. Could you please write about possible changes in the ini file that I can still do. Do you still have any changed lines of the file? I would be very grateful if you could send it to me.
Mike said…

Easiest way is to use this guide:

It has options to remove UI, text and other overlays.