
Showing posts from May, 2019

LiS BtS - Firewalk show encore alternative

Just a alternative edit/change :) timey wimey stuff..

LiS BtS - Firewalk encore video HD

 * Updated to HD Animated the static render i did before in Blender Eevee. Volume fog animated, used a noise generator for the random flashing lights and neon sign. Added some camera shake and DoF changes as well as a zoom in. Dont really animate, but blender makes it very easy :) Youtube link

LiS 2 - Cassidy

Taking my sweet time playing through LiS 2 Ep 3. Render break.. Cassidy 😍 Lots of textures to play with inc subsurf scattering, wrinkle masks, hair flow maps and anisotopic. Some im still working out how to connect some in Blender :)

LiS BtS - Firewalk show encore

Messing around with the principled volume, lights and glows in Blender Eevee. Seeing the volume scatter in real time makes adusting and changing so much better. Render result in eevee is very nice and usable. In cycles not so much as there will be a LOT of noise even with denoise,

LiS BtS - Wip volume lights scene

Wip test render.. trying out volume lighting in Blender eevee. This took seconds to render and the quality of the lights are amazing, in cycles my pc would take hours and if it did complete the render it would be a pixel mess even with denoising. I wish there was a ray visibility option like in cycles tho.